Lawyers Insurance Services provides attorneys with liability coverage for financial loss suffered by third parties arising from acts, errors, and omissions in providing professional legal services. Fraud, intentional and criminal acts, bodily injury (BI), and property damage (PD) are excluded from coverage. However, most of the policies provide coverage for personal injury (PI) perils (i.e., defamation, invasion of privacy) since allegations of such acts occur frequently in the legal arena. As is the case with most professional liability forms, lawyers professional liability policies are written with a claims-made coverage.
Lawyers Professional Liability Coverage Includes:
Choice of Professional Liability Limits – A wide range of liability limits is available to meet specific practice needs. Limits start at $100,000/$300,000 and range up to $10M/$10M. Coverage includes both a per claim and annual aggregate limits.
Deductibles – Attorneys Advantage offers a range of deductibles to meet your needs and budget. Qualifying firms can choose a $0 or $1,000 deductible.
Disciplinary Defense – The program provides up to $25,000 per proceeding, $100,000 aggregate, for reimbursement of the insured’s defense costs as necessitated at disciplinary hearings.
Extra Claim Expenses – Additional coverage for claim expenses up to $500,000 per claim, up to $1 million aggregate is provided in every policy extended reporting period options.
Extended Reporting Period – Available for retiring attorneys.
Subpoena Assistance – Adds coverage up to $25,000 to retain counsel for advice regarding document production after being served with a subpoena and for representation at a deposition.
Privacy Breach – Extends professional liability coverage to privacy breach claims involving an accidental release or publication of confidential, personally identifiable information.
Prior Acts Coverage – Full coverage is available to qualified firms.
Free Non-Practicing Extended Reporting Period Coverage – Provided to attorneys who retire or otherwise cease the private practice of law during the policy period. Available to qualified law firms with the Aon Attorneys Advantage Program.
Title Insurance Agency Coverage – Coverage is available for legal services provided as a title agency when 100% owned and managed by covered insured.
As an attorney, you face the possibility of a malpractice lawsuit arising from errors and omissions, failure to meet client expectations, and attempts by clients to recoup financial losses. Even if unfounded, a defense or settlement of a lawsuit can cause a great deal of disruption to you and your firm – reducing billable time, exposing personal assets and creating financial hardship.
Take a moment to compare your current Professional Liability Insurance coverage with Lawyers Insurance Services.
Let us help you design a plan with the coverages that meet your size, areas of practice, and investment expectations.
Contact Us TodayCarriers
Admiral Insurance Company
Allied World
AM Guard
Arch Insurance Group
Berkley Insurance
Chubb-Executive Risk
First Mercury
Great American Insurance Company
Greenwich Insurance Company
Hartford Insurance
Houston Casualty
Lloyds of London
Philadelphia Insurance Company
United States Liability